Welcome to an exciting year at La Sierra Academy. I look forward to partnering with you to achieve our goals of nurturing and developing proficient learners, increasing achievement and building a safe and healthy school environment.
We believe that if our students work hard and are supported at home, school and church/community, they will be successful. This school year we will continue to reinforce, celebrate and honor the character traits of being Accountable, Respectful and Kind, as we teach our students to build each other up and allowing God’s love to fill them and shine through them. We appreciate your assistance in reinforcing healthy social-emotional skills at home.
At La Sierra Academy we offer opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s education. We have an active Home and School Association (HSA) and welcome parents to volunteer in their child’s classroom. For information on becoming involved in our school, please contact your child’s class sponsor or call the school office.
I encourage you to attend the many school events including Meet & Greet, Back to School Night, HSA Events, and Parent-Teacher Conferences. You can expect to receive weekly newsletters which will contain information from the school, the Home and School and a list of upcoming events.
It is an honor to work alongside our teachers and staff who work hard for your children’s success. We thank you for choosing La Sierra Academy. I am looking forward to a challenging, productive and fun school year!
If I can help you in any way, please contact me at the school office at 951-351-1445 or e-mail me at emunoz@lsak12.com.